Daily Schedule

Sr. No. ActivityTimingsResponsibility/ Duty
1Rising Bell5:15AHM / HM / House Bearer
2Dawn Prayers5:30 to 5: 50AHM / HM / Religious Teacher
3Preparation5:50 to 6: 10Drill / P.T Instructor
4PT / Drill6:10 to 6: 50Drill / P.T Instructor
5Bath / Preparation6:50 to 7: 20-------------
6Break Fast7:30 to 7: 50Adjutant / Messing Officer
7Assembly7:50 to 8: 10Adjutant / Teaching Staff
8Period 18:20 to 9: 00Teaching Staff
9Period 29:00 to 9: 40Teaching Staff
10Period 39:40 to 10: 20Teaching Staff
11Period 410:20 to 11: 00Teaching Staff
12Break11:00 to 11: 20House Captain / SUOs / JUOs
13Period 511:20 to 12: 00Teaching Staff
14Period 612:00 to 12: 40Teaching Staff
15Period 712:40 to 13: 20Teaching Staff
16Period 813:20 to 14: 00Teaching Staff
17Lunch14:10 to 14: 30Adjutant / Messing Officer
18Noon Prayers14:40 to 15: 00AHM / HM / Religious Teacher
19Recitation15:00 to 15: 40Religious Teacher
20Rest15:40 to 16: 30AHM / HM / House Captain
211st Prep16:40 to 17: 40Teaching Staff
22Afternoon Prayers17:50 to 18: 10Religious Teacher
23Sports / Hiking18:20 to 19: 20AHM / HM / Sports In charge
24Evening PrayersAt Sun SetReligious Teacher
252nd Prep20:10 to 21: 10Teaching Staff
26Dinner21:20 to 21: 40Adjutant / Messing Officer
27Night Prayers21:50 to 22: 10Religious Teacher
28Recreation22:10 to 22: 40House Captain / SUOs / JUOs
29Night Muster22:40 to 22: 50Adjutant / HM / AHM
30Lights Out23:00Adjutant / HM / AHM
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